it’s dark & his nose is smashed – but i still like.
i stayed up tonight. i cleaned the kitchen. i picked up dirty laundry. i wrote in homework notebooks. i found enough quarters to pay for the jobs i want done tomorrow. i took the last clean towel from the cupboard for a hot shower.
rex bought a new bath towel for me before christmas. it’s the only towel we’ve bought in almost a dozen years of married life.
the rest all came from bridal showers years ago. they look more like what you’d use to dry your car with after washing it …..
anyway i took the last one.
he did bring home new socks & a chocolate cake tonight.
i made soup & lit a candle.
sailor, jack & benny went to the ‘beach’ ’till they all came running back saying there was a dead coyote in an irrigation box.
i have used the atm machine 4 different times in the last two days. we ran out of checks …..
he says he would trust his life to me in nearly every area – except my ability to use an atm …. and order fast food.
when they give you three options $20, $40 & $60 but there are 4 buttons on the machine – seriously how are you suppose to know if it starts at the top and goes down so the last button means nothing or starts at the bottom and goes up so the top button is void!
exactly, you don’t know.
: )
you guess.
in my case, i always guess wrong.
it just means i end up paying extra $2.49 & $3 fees ’cause i meant to get $40 but pushed the $20 button instead.
he doesn’t get it.
that & fast food menus truly stress me out – don’t believe the subway commercials entirely. not all sandwiches are $5 this month, apparently the premium ones are $6.
who knew ….

he does, however, trust me with the kids : ) i had an official chaperone sticker last week. we got free passes to the aquarium & i convinced him to take the day off & come with us.

we love this little town on the coast. we spent our honeymoon there. it’s totally different almost 12 years later with half that many kids : ) we go back every so often – sometimes with them, sometimes without them.
we honestly like it best without them. but the aquarium is a cool place.
this time we discussed what type of invertebrates jelly fish were & didn’t leisurely stroll the downtown streets.
somehow we let ben wear a black hooded sweatshirt – nearly impossible to keep track of him in dark, barely lit exhibits & we only lost regan once …. she was happily sitting on the floor with nice security guard in the red blazer.
this weeks field trip is a graveside service tomorrow afternoon.
we weep with those who weep this weekend with a funeral for a friend whose now enjoying heaven. his family, his wife, his young boys are still here & hurting. yay for heaven. for Jesus. for hope. for godly men who leave examples worth following.

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happy smashed nose kissing.
happy showers with old towels.
happy chocolate cake eating.
happy rejoicing in victory over death.
happy atm disasters avoided.
happy weekend.
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