this ……

this …. is my littlest son.
this …. is a short paragraph stating several things like we’ve been busy & rex does not tell funny jokes, unless he does & then they’re very funny & we enjoyed sidewalk chalk during spring break.
spring break sounds like the kids are in college …. easter vacation sounds more elementary, doesn’t it?

this …. was a saturday morning breakfast.
we ate pancakes outside in pajamas. we woke up at seven thirty & the house was still quiet – everyone was still sleeping & we had no place to be ….. miracles do still happen.
so the breakfast was worth remembering – i love living with these people.

this …. was one sister friend talking her little sister friend into taking a picture for mom.

this …. well, the pep talk didn’t go so well : )

this …. is my oldest daughter.

this …. is the brotherhood.
a few more outtakes of ‘hey guys can i have an easter picture?’
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this ….. is instagram.

she tells her own made up jokes in the car.

she takes the whole placement of the in ‘n out stickers very seriously.

get up, put your running shoes on, go.

it’s a good thing he was weighed before he got sick …. he wasn’t even on the charts then, i didn’t even want to find out what the scale said after not eating for a week & a half.

they’re enjoying the library books … that we paid $63!!! for ….. that we returned late.

they were serious trouble that morning, yes sir, those two. but then they walked out in self picked striped sweaters & black boots and i just couldn’t get over their darling-ness.

a good chunk of our busy right now is that swim season has started …. regs & chady sit through practices on the bleachers armed with raisin snacks, a growing tan & cuteness.

i sent this to amie after another ohio snow storm : )

we left the dishes one night & took off on a bike ride – just the 3 of us.

her stroller turns a simple get from point A to point B an event : )

sunrise service – we host it in our back field … partly so we can set the dress code : ) He is risen – it’s worth celebrate, yes?
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this …. is chad calvin.
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this …. was what i saw looking out the window on friday.
well i confess to cropping out as much of the trash can as i could. we’ve been go, go, go lately but friday was not. friday they played for hours like that …. it was beautiful.
this ….. isn’t the greatest of updates – but. i’m falling asleep.
and tomorrow starts with go, go, go. so this …. is the end.
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